Contact Us

Get in touch with the Settlement Administrator or Class Counsel

Settlement Administrator

For questions about the settlement, your eligibility, or to submit forms, please contact the Settlement Claims Administrator:

ILYM Group Inc.

Loan Officer Settlement

P.O. Box 2031

Tustin, CA 92781

Fax: (888) 845-6185

Class Counsel

If you have legal questions about the settlement, you may contact the attorneys representing the class:

Outten & Golden LLP

Justin M. Swartz

Eliana J. Theodorou

685 Third Avenue, 25th Floor

New York, NY 10017

Tel: 347-390-2192

Shavitz Law Group, P.A.

Paolo Meireles

Michael Palitz

477 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10022

Tel: (800) 616-4000

Gardy & Notis, LLP

Orin Kurtz

150 East 52nd Street

11th Floor

New York, NY 10022

Tel: 212-905-0509